Multiple Star Rating Feature on Single Page in PHP, MySQL and Ajax

You have generally seen Star Rating System on various e-commerce or service related websites. This feature is used to know about users thoughts and opinions. This will help to rank your product or content and make online repuatation also.

star rating system php mysql

In this tutorial we going to shown an example to implement dynamic multiple 5 star rating feature on a sinlge page using PHP and MySql.

Supported Features in Multiple Star Rating System:

In this Star rating functionality, we have implement below features:

  • Use dynamic multlple star rating on single page
  • Allow user to rate any product, service, picture etc.
  • Using jQuery, PHP and MySQL to implement star rating system
  • Rating scale is 1-4 stars
  • Bound single user to rate once on the basis of IP address.

Steps to Create Multiple Star Rating Feature in PHP & MySQL:

1) Create Database Tables:

First create database tables to show product or post data on single page.

Next create another database table to store user ratings value.

‘product_id’ is forign key column in ‘ratings’ database table.

Insert some products or post data in ‘product’ database table to show data on single page.

2) Make database connection:

Add below PHP and MySQL code to make database connection, so that you can show products data on page.

3) Create Index.php File to Show Star Rating:

Now create index.php file and add MySQL query code to fetch products data.

Now add below HTML div code to show 5 star rating feature for each post on single index.php page.

Note: Must include jquery.min.js library file execute jQuery AJAX code on star rating click events.

4) Write jQuery Ajax Script Code:

Write down below jQuery Ajax code to record user rating for perticular product or post.

5) Create Ajax file to Handle Post Request:

Create a ‘ratingAjax.php’ PHP file to handle on click ajax request. On this file we will manage to record user star ratings value in database table.

Also we recording user IP address, so no more duplicate rating will enter in database.


This is simple and easy to configure 5 star rating system. You can easily integrate with in your PHP based web application. If you want to use only single star rating on one page, just remove while loop and edit the MySQL query on index.php page.

Hope this post will help you to build this user rating feature.


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About Harish

I am professional web developer and blogger. Use this blog to share own api and other web development experience with you. I do accept paid work. Write to me at - [email protected]

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